1. today i ran into a boy. a boy who i went on my first date in provo with. a boy who is psycho. see dating post for more information on that. guess how awkward it was. just guess. "wow, you still are beautiful. It's too bad you're all snatched up we would have made such an amazing couple." blahblahblah. uhm dood. first off. you weigh like as much as me, you are as tall as me, and uhm....you're hair is gross. cut it. brian is a google amount times better than you. thaankyou.
2. the other crazy man in my life..aka my english professor faked an orgasm in class today. guess how red my cheeks got. (for your knowledge it was a poem with a written out orgasm but he decided to sound out the poem for us) gross.
3. i dont have a belly button. it sprung a leak soooo i had it removed. i went kyle xy on everyone. luckily. i have a reconstructed masterpiece that really isn't a masterpiece but oh well.
4. bananas are the most reliable fruit to buy. i am not good at picking out fruit. I always somehow get the gross oranges of the flavorless canteloupe. i have found though that as long as a banana is yellow it will taste the same as every other banana. delicious.
5. i have a serious love affair with chili cheese dogs. yes. i will die at the age of 50 because of my eating habits.
6. bbq chips are better with waves. fact.
7. i am emotionally attached to a 20 cent fish from wal-mart. bad idea? most definitely. but he has swam into my heart.
8. i love wearing krystals clothes.
9. i miss playing with christine. tandem bike ride tomorrow?
10. the moment brian fell in love with me was when i upperdecked sizzler. bam. legit.
Gigs For President
1 week ago
Oh my gosh you blog mentioned me! I feel honored. Also, I think we should play. Also, I love the fact that you love bbq chips with waves. Also, I really want to come to your English class sometime. It sounds delightfully awkward. And he already faked an orgasm so I won't even have to worry about that happening :)
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