Thursday, April 29, 2010

how to spot a hipster.

this article was in the uvu newspaper. i died. mostly because i see myself in it. my sad, sad, attempts at trying to be a cool hipster and claiming my uncles native amercian heritage as my own.

How to spot a hipster

◦They deny being a hipster. Hipsters refuse to be labeled as a hipster because being a hipster is suddenly cool and hipsters never want to be cool. The ironic thing is hipsters want nothing but to be cool. They also want to be ironic, which brings me to my next tip …
◦They have ironic tattoos (think cat in a sailor suit inked on their bicep) and ironic t-shirts (think cat in a sailor suit screen printed on their shirt) and ironic pop culture fetishes (I don’t know … Justin Bieber?) and anything else of a satirical nature.
◦Despite being 100 percent Anglo-Saxon, they feel the need to honor their imaginary Native American culture by wearing feathers, beaded dreamcatcher necklaces, fringe leather jackets and overpriced moccasins. All items can be purchased at Urban Outfitters: the original Indian trading post.
-written by meghan wiemer.

in other news i can now check a 10 day forecast and see my wedding date. eep. exciting. and the best part is that it's supposed to be sunny and 70 degrees! can you imagine how beautiful that would be. prayyyy that it stays that way considering as i write this post there is snow storm outside. only in monticello. can't help but love this place though.


Stephanie said...

AH, that's funnnny! I love the thing about Urban Outfitters being the original trading post.

P.S. You better post pictures of your wedding on here laddddyy!!!


Christine Marie said...

hahahaha. I love you. And this. All of it. Especially the hipster part. But especially the part about your wedding too. Gosh, I miss you but I'm SO excited for you!

Molly said...

hilarious! so so so true.