Sunday, June 13, 2010


Meet Gretchen.
She is a Polaroid. I love her but I also love all of you. Even though I don't have a thousand followers or have even posted a 100 posts. I loveeee the people who do read my blog, therefore, I am doing my firssst giveaway! cheer now. :)
This beauty could be yours. I checked her and she runs like a gem now all you need to do is:
*one entry-comment on this post
*one entry each-blog, facebook or tweet about it and then leave the link.
*one entry-become a follower. :)
leave one comment per entry and then I will announce the winner on June 23rd!


Stevi said...

oooohhhh I REALLY want to win this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! more than anything I've ever wanted in my life!

Stevi said...

I facebooked it but i don't know how to link that specific thing. You can see it on my profile though.:)

Natalie said...

mmm polaroid :)

can we go shoot? can we can we can we? my artistic side is dying.

Fern said...

Posted it on Facebook, chicky, just for you. Ha more people need to see your super cute blog, and awesome vintage style!

Sydney Lyman said...

This is soo exciting!! Your too sweet:)
p.s. i facebooked it :)

M said...

OOOOOO I want this! But I want Natalie to have it more than me, because she is an amazing person and an amazing photographer like you are Marci!

Burt & Gurt said...

Oh my gosh! This is the most amazing give away I have ever seen. I love things like this! It makes me happy inside!

Burt & Gurt said...

ps, I facebooked it. :)

Molly said...

This me entering!!!!

Stephanie said...

Count me in lady!!

Stephanie said...

Oh ya and I am a follower!! =)

Annie said...

my name is annie and i want a polaroid camera.

Kristen K said...

I'm following!

Kristen K said...

Also, this is my other entry... I love cameras. I've wanted a polaroid for a long time. Please please please pick me. ^___^

Kristen K said...

Facebooked it!

Christine Marie said...

Hi. I love you.
Also, I am in desperate need of a polaroid. I will pay shipping I swear.

1 entry: follower
1 entry: comment
1 entry: fakebooked about it. I tagged you in it because I don't know how to post the link.

Whitney said...

Count me in!
1 Entry: comment
1 Entry: Follower
1 Entry: facebook with link!

Lea Ann said...


Tiffany said...

a) I just became a fan.

Tiffany said...

b) I just commented

Tiffany said...

c) I facebooked it. with a link to the post.

Tiffany said...

d)I just blogged about it.

Kristen K said...

I just blogged about it!

Kaitlyn said...

yesssss this rocks! I am a follower!

Rebecca Wright said...

Yo yo yo, i'm becca. i hope you remember me. I love your camera. And also, congratulations on your love-ly wedding :)

Kimmy said...

bah! you are way too generous to do a polaroid giveaway!! i'm def a follower, facebooked it just now. :)

Alexis C. said...

Why hello!! I wanna win. I do I do I do.

Alexis C. said...

Annnndd i facebooked about it!! Check it out here.

Alexis C. said...

And yes, I am not officially a follower. :)

Liz and Spencer Harring said...

Hi I am a mom of two and just came across your blog. What an amazing giveaway you are doing! I am one hundred percent addicted to taking pictures or my family and friends and this would be a wonderful addition to my obsession! Thank you!

Liz and Spencer Harring said...

I am now a follower

Unknown said...

BOOM (1) i want this so bad. i looked for one of these for so long! i finally got one at a thrify thrift store and it turned out to be busted :( so i gave up the search. This would be fantastic to win!

Unknown said...

BOOM (2) facebooked.

Unknown said...

BOOM (3) Bloggled.

Liz and Spencer Harring said...

I don't know how to do the link but I just facebooked you!! Have a great day

Unknown said...

BOOM (4) consider yourself stalked.

...i mean, followed.

Unknown said...

oh shoot. links. ummm...




Darla said...

Wow! Reminds of the olden days when Mom would pull out the old poloroid and take pictures of us kids and then hand us the pictures to "shake and blow" to develop the pictures quickly. I would love this Bloggers gift!!!! I swear to follow you until you get tired of blogging or until the end of time...whichever comes first! :)

Anonymous said...

I am now a follower! Cool!

Darla said... I am not anonymous.....sheesh! Still a follower, though!

MaKell said...

i would LOVE this!!!!

crookcole said...

wow polaroids take me back! remind me of my grandma. Sometime sthey are even better than digital cuz you get them right then! kids love them cuz they appear magically. oh to be a kid again......

Christine Marie said...

Whoops I missed the "one comment per entry" thing. Dang. Well I'll leave you two more comments after this then because I just blogged about it and thus have four entries.

Christine Marie said...

i love

Christine Marie said...


K. 4 comments.

Fern said...

Facebook, again!

Irina said...

what a great giveaway!!!! thank you!

Irina said...

I'm also your follower now!

Kim said...

i might die if i won this.

Kim said...

tweeted @davisduo

Liz and Spencer Harring said...

I want this sooooo bad!!!