the day i turned twenty. here is twenty facts about me.
the basics
1. 5"7
2. 100 lbs. most days
3. green eyes
4. brown hair
5. hot husband.
the not so basic
6. i have scoliosis.
7. i raise pigs
8. i hunt.
9. i've been to around 13 goodwills since moving to arizona.
10. i hate spending money on clothes. basically my parents made me money smart by making me buy my own school clothes once i was in sixth grade and then making me pay for college. so therefore i bought 4 articles of clothing the entire time i was in college and i returned 2. boo ya. that is also why i get a ton of my clothes second hand.
11. i hate fruit desserts. blegh. the only one i can even kinda stand is raspberry cheesecake. you keep the fruit i'll eat the chocolate.
12. i love art. especially photography. i kinda disgust myself with how many hours i spend lusting after photographs. i may even have cried at a few **shhh** they were really just that beautiful.
13. music is my husbands and i world. he plays the drums. it is smexy. i play...uhm. the piano semi and the saxophone. haha. 6th-11th grade band. boo ya.
14. my best friend annie and i were nerds in highschool. in a cool way. in a way where we couldn't ever get anything below an a. we also held ridiculously high moral standards for each other growing up. ask her about the time i held hands with a boy the day before i was 16. im not kidding. super high standards. im so glad we did..and still do. for the strength of youth is bombbb. "would you feel comfortable wearing that if the prophet showed up?"
15. before brian i had never kissed an american boy. they bored me.
16. my husband and i have been friends since i've been 15. i was obsessed with him for like 2 months after i first met him. really. you should have seen some of then notes i wrote my friends. i blush thinking about them.
17. i am built like my brothers...tall and like a stick. im envious of my short perfect amount of curves sisters.
18. Navajo tacos complete me. basically anything Navajo does. annndddd unlike some people i can actually have an excuse for loving it and dressing like it. my dad grew up on the reservation and 2 of my uncles are navajo. cool huh.
19. i look like johnny depp as willy wonka with short hair. seriously.
20......and finally. i suck at blogging. but love you guys. :)
6 days ago
Cool I have scoliosis too. You are a great photographer BTW! When I get married I want you to be my photographer!
love you marci!
Haha, Marce, you crack me up as always! BTW, I envy your body. I've got stumps for legs and a booty that tries to get ghetto on me too often. I guess we all want what we can't have huh? Question, do you still have that saxophone? If you do, I want a turn with it. Afterall, it was mine before it was yours:) I want to see if I still got the moves on the ol' sax!
I have never had a Navajo taco... what is it like?
I love chocolate but I crave my mom's apple pie during the autumn is the best!
I'm glad you stopped by my blog. It's fun to meet good people on here.
I love you more than anyone else I have ever eaten cupcakes with. Seriously.
<3 I le luff you. Can we play yet? PS guess what I am doing tomorrow. Leaving for Oregon. Why, might you ask?? To snowboard for the week. life is above average hehe. Jk. It's totally average. But I really do want to Tempe-day-it with you! School starts soon, and there's a buffalo exchange off of mill! Aka SECONDHAND CLOTHING! And I don't have to worry about getting to the good stuff before you, because you're a good 150 lbs smaller than me. SCORE! <3 Hahahaha.
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