Friday, November 5, 2010

Sometimes I look at my world and see piles of laundry, dishes in the sink, a cricket or two loose in my house and I kind of going mentally crazy, but then I see my husband blowing me kisses while he studies his toosh off, a wonderful text from a family member, food in my fridge, the gospel working its miracles, and all the potential and happiness in the world in my home and I realize. This is my kind of perfect.


Molly said...

This is a perfect post. I love it.

Annie said...

can i just be you?
ok good.
i love you.

The Layman Family said...

so true! beautifully said. miss you!

Michelle Morse said...

loose crickets??? Will they be loose when we come to stay with you in a couple weeks???? I'm sure mom already told you, but I talked Brannon, well told him, that it was of the utmost importance that I see my little sis's house, just to be sure she was all settled in and that I approved and all...:) Taj man is coming with too, so hide poor Leonard!

Natalie said...

lovelovelovelovelovelove. minus the crickets.

the other day, i was at my family's house and went into the back refrigerator to see if there was chocolate milk. opened it and saw two tubs of meal worms (for my brother's lizards) sitting there. suddenly i was not hungry. eww.

Annie said...

i read this again. and.. i love you. and your life. again.

Christine Marie said...

This made me oh so happy. I love this. And you. Totally a perfect post.

Cynthia said...

I love you Marci and i'm so happy that you have a wonderful life and world... Wish my world was like yours...