Monday, January 3, 2011

Recap of 2010 and the husbs birthday!

Dear Lovelies,

Sorry I have been mia for the past couple of months. I sorta lost the love of blogging when it was discovered that     Brian's and I schedule hated each other and for this past semester it's felt like the only time we really get to spend time together is at night. So I neglected my blog instead of my school work and my husband which I figure is pretty mature of me..right :) Anyways...Happppy New YEAR! I've been putting off my recap of 2010 until today because most of my favorite memories have to do with the husband and today is the husb's birthday so I figured I might as well share my favorite memories for him and you today! 
1. Having Aaron and Marilyn surprise Brian with a trip to Utah to spend his birthday with me!
2.Participating in the polar bear swim and then having an earache for the next month. 
3. Growing mustaches with the fiancée.
4. Bumming a fish off some boys. We were told numerous times that our 20 cent Geoffrey would die within weeks of getting him but he lasted for like 6 months!
5. Eating cupcakes with new blog friends and having Christine become of one my best friends. 
6. Taking engagement photos. Whoa..that was a disaster. Locked my keys in the car with all of our outfits inside. Took the police 3 hours to get my car unlocked. Needless to say even though we had to take them in normal outfits we loved how they turned out. 
7. Getting to spend another wonderful spring break in Arizona with the prehusb.
8. Chanting in some weird language, burning a fake witch, almost dying of chalk inhalation, and having the time of my life at the color festival.
9. The happiest day of my life where the prehusb became my husband and we were sealed for time and all eternity. 
10. Honeymooning in Costa Rica! Probably the most action packed, funnest week of my life. 
11. Finally fulfilling Brian's longtime dream to see his favorite animal...THE SLOTH.
12. Becoming "Illuminated Moments" newest intern and learning so much about photography and shooting weddings its ridiculous. Thank you Kara!
13. Eating enough hot dogs this summer to last a lifetime and making it on the megatron at least 4 times at the diamond back games this summer.
14. Taking some of my favorite photos ever of one of my favorite people ever. My best friend annie.
15. Getting a pet dinosaur and loving him probably way more than a lizard has ever been loved. Really. We obsess over this little guy. Who by the way is nowhere near this little anymore. 
16. Starting our vinyl collection and getting our new record player for christmas!
17. Performing my first song-The future freaks me out by Motion City Soundtrack, on the drums for the Bothwells. I was so nervous to perform for a family of drummers my armpits got sweaty. eep. Also this is an old picture. I need to steal the video from momma Bothwell.
18. Lastly-every crazy undocumented moment with this boy. From singing backstreet boys and jumping on the bed, to impromptu photo shoots, from swimming every day this summer, to watching all of arrested development in 2 weeks. I love every minute I get with this boy. This was definitely the best year of my life thus far and I know this next year will be even better. Have I mentioned I get to be a snowbird this summer and peace out of this hot weather during june-august. Thank you rotations! And thank you husb for being the kindest, smartest, funniest person I know and for picking me to be your wifey. 
Happy birthday!


RT said...

Marci: You crack me up and oh ya make me way proud!! Love Dad

Natalie said...

SO dang awesome, I love you two!!!!!!!

..and Marc, I totally get stage-freight when it comes to playing music for other people haha. Sweaty armpits just at the thought :P

Amelia Kate said...

OK, so I just came across your blog and I have to tell you that I know you are adorable!
Could you and your husband be any cuter either??
Cute blog, and I hope you are enjoying the photo community... its awesome :)

Christine Marie said...

Preshest blog post ever? Uhmmyes. I am so happy that I am catching up on your blog right now. And even happier that we are friends <3