Sunday, May 29, 2011

Hi, it's me Marci.
I in fact am alive and did not drop dead off the face of the earth. Sometimes I just really hate blogging/blogs and need to take a break. There I said it. Anyways I am in no way going to attempt catching up on the past 5 months of my life. I am however going to share some awkward moments from my recent vacation to the Bahamas. I will blog about the Bahamas later on...not so much for entertainment reasons, more just for my memory sake. Onto awkwardness.

Awkward moment #1- While walking to a show on the cruise ship we had to walk across a dance floor of people. Me being me decided to dance across it just for good measure. After I had danced across it I was promptly grabbed by the arm from behind. I turned around to find a 60ish old woman with a beer in one hand trying to dance with me. I awkwardly tried to do a few ridiculous dance moves and move on but she proceed to grind all up on me. Getting rape grinded by a 60 year old drunk women in front of your husband and in-laws=awkward.

Awkward moment #2-If any of you have been on a cruise you know that they attack you with wanting to take your picture. Before every dinner, during dinner, at every port, in the ocean. Anywhere and everywhere they'll get ya. Well before the formal dinner we hurried did a group pose with our family and then thought we were done. Well another photographer grabs brian and I and does a few couple pictures. He then kicks Brian out of the frame and proceeds to take about a thousand pictures of just me. Uhm and I quote. "I need more hip! Now turn around and look back at me over the shoulder. Yes!! But don't smile. Slightly part your lips." WHAAA?! Sir, I am just going to up front with you. I do not photograph sexy. So no matter how many photos you take it just simply will not happen. Finding a thousand pictures of yourself in awkward positions on display for others the next day='s awkward.

Awesome moment- Our Haunted tour guide in Key West was in fact a tour guide, a cake decorator, and a drag queen. Dear Jersey (that's his name), You are awesome. From Marci.


Molly said...

Haha. This made me "lol" for real.
I'm certain your awkward moments were adorable to anyone watching.
And I'm glad you, I, and Annie can agree, something about blogs/blogging has changed and put a slightly sour taste in our mouths. Maybe we just need to change it back to whatever it was before so that we can all enjoy it again? Although I don't really know how to go about doing that... besides making some fun moments and memories, and making ourselves and our family/friends laugh when we/they read them...
Which is exactly what this post did for me:)