Sunday, July 7, 2013

Baby Bothwell-Telling the Grandparents

After our ultrasound I had a trip planned to Utah to photograph some engagements so I flew to Monticello the day after our doctors visit and Brian was going to drive up Thursday night to spend the weekend there. We were going to wait until Mothers day (that Sunday) to tell my parents but we decided it would be too hard for me to wait for 4 days to tell my mom. Especially when I would be with her a lot. So we made a plan to draw a baby on a white shirt and for me to wear it off the airplane when they picked me up. It was my Grandma Martha and Mom picking me up so I was very excited to tell those two hooligans. :) As soon as I got off I made sure to unbutton my outer shirt to reveal the white shirt with the baby drawn on. (Didn't want the whole airplane to know ;)) So I walk out and my mom and grandma storm me and are giving me big hugs and are totally oblivious to the shirt. I tell them to look down to which my grandma says "why are you wearing boots-its warm outside." and my mom says "Did you spill something on your pants?". Totally not getting it! I finally said "NO, look at my belly!". They finally saw the baby and asked if I was serious and then burst into tears. It was especially emotional for my parents because after 8 months of trying to have a baby in secret I confided in them my troubles. They were already forming plans on how to pay for me to get in-vitro so they were SO happy and grateful that I wasn't going to have to go through all the heartbreak of fertility drugs and procedures. We went and got lunch and cried a little more and then shopped for a bit before I was so tired that I had to sleep in the car while they went in the mall. That was another symptom-tired ALL the time. Some of it probably came from the fact that I had to go potty about 3 times in the middle of the night every night. ugh-still have this problem. My body must be preparing me for the sleepless nights with a newborn.

(This video kind of stinks since I was trying to not be obvious that I was recording but its mostly for my  memory sake.)
After that we hurried and rushed home to tell my daddy. It was fun because my mom was able to record it on her phone. His facial expression was priceless and many more tears were shed. It was so much fun to be able to tell them. I felt a little bad not having Brian there but he understood how excited I was to tell them and it was fun to have him come up a few days later and be able to re-celebrate once he got there.

We left Monticello on Mothers day bright and early to get home to AZ before the big family party to tell Brian's parents. Colleen is a big quilter so we went and picked out a girl fabric swatch and a boy fabric swatch and wrapped them up in some ultrasound pictures to give to her for mothers day. They were surprised but Colleen had said she had a feeling since we kept putting off our sky diving trip. Haha, definitely can't do that while pregnant. More tears and lots of happy screams were made. It was great. I have definitely been an emotional monster throughout this whole process. Thankfully the hormones are mellowing out a bit and I don't cry at EVERYTHING just most things. :) 


The Layman Family said...

i'm loving all these updates!!!! keep them coming