Tuesday, January 26, 2010

awkward family photos.com

This site is awesome. seriously i die every single time i get on it. here are a few of my latest favorites.
The Great Outdoors

"Jerry decided to pitch a tent a little early"

Lost in Translation

"how it feels to blend seamlessly into Japanese culture"

Mr. Ed

"Phil never expected that those late night phone calls were coming from the horse"

Green screen

"These sisters have nothing to hide."

The Final Frontier

"This family boldly goes where no family has gone before."


bjbothwell said...

hahahahahahaha fuuhneee

Natalie said...

HAHAHAHA I have never seen this site. Yet I am thoroughly interested, now.

Alas, I shall parooze. Puh-ruuze? There's a red squiggly line telling my I suck at spelling.

Awh well.