Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A list about Marci Dawns Life. aahhem.

List #1. The Crazy list. Things that are making Marci crazy.
1. How I always forget about food while it's cooking. For example. One day Marci spent the day making homemade brownies and put them in the oven to bake for 30 minutes. About 3 hours later I remember them. yum. charcoal brownies are the best. not! example #2. tonight. I put some eggs on the burner and go to find my purse. 13 minutes later i remember my eggs. they became plastic eggs. i could sell them to little kids for their fake kitchen. i am for real.
2. How i bleached my brand new BLACK yoga pants this morning. it broke my little heart. ps. dear yoga teacher can we please do the plow every day. thanks love marci.
3. The fact that even though i say baked potato, fries, vegetables, or rice with that most of the customers at the sizz will ask for mashed. please listen to the words coming out of my mouth. oh and also don't have diarrhea explosions right after i clean the toilet. its really really gross.
4. How 75% of the people i meet in Provo think i have an eating disorder. Thanks for your concern but please don't assume such extreme things. I promise. i eat. probably more than you and your dog combined if i have food.
5. My literature teacher. He is crazy liberal. I don't really care except when he makes me read about lesbian sex and suicide stories. Also he is crazy and says stuff like this "When i feel like i have completed my life and i am ready to pass on i am going to go into the middle of nowhere, strip down till im naked and then kill myself. I will let the animals eat me so therefore i am completing the circle of life." first off. i don't wanna even hear the word naked come out of his mouth. second off letting animals eat you isn't exactly my definition of the circle of life.
Second List. The happy list
1. i am happy because i am wearing my sweet moccasins. They always get me a lot of compliments.
2. I am happy because i get to go snowboarding soon!
3. i am happy because Natalie posted about me in her darling blog.
4. I am happy because on Thursday i am skipping my crazy literature class to go to Annie's class to learn about sex. its going to be awesome.
5. i am happy because Brian is coming in one week.
6. i am happy because my family is coming on Friday!
7. i am happy because i just got done with yoga.
8. i am happy because i received a package from Brian today which included the veggie tales soundtrack and the movie free willy.
9. I am happy because January is gone and over with. Its a cold bitter month here.
10. I am happy because i have the gospel in my life. Seriously without it life would be meaningless.
What driving you crazy or making you insanely happy??


Annie said...

i may have recruited like five people to go with me to class tomorrow. hahaha. so we're gonna have to be early.

jer and lous crew said...

i'm with you on the burning things subject...if you ask jeremy i can burn anything and always do...you make me happy...i love reading your lists and such...they make me laugh...thanks for making my day have fun at the SEX class with annie...wish i could be a fly on the wall i'll bet it will be very intertaining...loves

Michelle Morse said...

Marci Marci...a timer works great for us absent-minded Nielson women. I burned taco shells and rice tonight, so no it doesn't really get better with time. As you know Mom still burns things too:) Hope the sex ed is enlightening for you. It won't be what you expect, you'll find that out on your wedding night!

Natalie said...

1) i love that you burn food. i am the queen of that.

2) i love that you love that i loved your CD and posted about it. i just love all loving pretenses of the word love. oh, for the love.

3) i love that you are attending a sex class. read up, my little bride to be :) [lawlz]

4) i love that you have black yoga pants. everytime i go to yoga i roll up in some old dance costume booty shorts and get stares from the black-legged professionals. sweet.

5) i love that you're going snowboarding soon because i am going tomorrow. woo!

6) i love that brian is going up there and all..but you should come down here. too. soon. kcool.

Christine Marie said...

Hiiiiii. Yeah I don't know you. But I love your blog. It's darling. You're darling.

Marci Dawn said...

annie. sex ed class. amazing. fact byu professors wifey's plan hot sex on their calendar. its incredible awkward. yet awesome.
lou--im glad you like my list. i just adore you. ps wanna do the flowers for my wedding. :)
sister. orange condom. thats alll im going to say about that.
natalie- i love you. sadly now im like the ghetto yoga girl in my bleached black pants. board a few runs for me. thanks
christine. yayyyyyy. thanks for stopping bye. immagunna go stalk you right now. love marci.
ohhh and natalie. im coming for spring break. fa sure.