Friday, February 19, 2010

what happens in apt 135.

this week in apt 135 we came to the conclusion that our apartment was being haunted by spirits.
example a: krystal is getting ready and hears a voice to the left of her asking her numerous times "can you hear me?", "can you hear me".
our response to this was krystal is crazy. but it scared her enough to make her cry so we kept those feelings to ourselves and let our friend cuyler bang on the walls trying to beckon the spirit out.
example b: that night at 4 am deena gets up to go potty when she hears the voice. "Can you hear me?" "can you hear me" she runs back into our room tells me but me being half asleep figures i just dream this until i receive word that she really did.
example 3. Dana while getting ready yesterday heard laughing. a baby laughing. heard it numerous times coming from the bathroom.
This was our final straw. WE were going to the bishop to get our apartment blessed or something. We are all freaking out and scared. Then.....
Vickie comes home.
No ghost.
just some stupid scary noise maker the size of a nickle placed inside the bathroom cabinet by her brother to scare us.
congrats. you succeed. Hilarious. frrigggin hilarious.


Brian Bothwell said...

hahaha that was soo funnny. And I thought I heard a mouse squeeking when I went in to investigate. I was way off :/

Michelle Morse said...

That is friggin hilarious! Where can I get one of those machines? We could scare mom with it! You guys are so funny:)

Molly said...

I feel bad for the first girl...
who legitimately heard something and no one believed her!

Natalie said...


omg. I am so sorry :-P Sad/scary/funny.

I'm a wussypants and get scared easily.

Example A: Thought I heard something outside of my window. I was home alone, and it was raining. Typical set-up for any/all slasher films {not that I watch those..because, again, I am a baby}. Welp, I put on my brave-pants and decided to peek out the blinds in my room to see who was coming to kill me. Good thing I saw my reflection. And

And I may or may not have instinctively slapped the window..

Uhhh kcool Nat.

Christine Marie said...

Oh my gosh. And we totally made fun of her the first time too. I repent


p.s. I still have your "snow mix" cd. And I love it. However, it is yours and I feel the need to return it to you. Slash if I do return it to you, we can play.

Win-win? I think YES