Wednesday, February 17, 2010

i hate coming up with a title so i shall name this post i hate coming up with a title. take that.

part of knowing marci is knowing that i usually have a 1000 different things running through my brain at once for example right now this is what i am thinking about.
1. how my ex-roommate yujin makes the best potstickers. sorry rooster you can't even compare. yumyumyum.
2. valentine candy and sappy love playlists are really the theme for my day today.
3. im going to sammy's cafe tonight with darling Christine. chocolate shakes will be the death of me one day and im totally okay with that.
4. i dont believe in being a vitamin freak. i'd rather be 80 years old with a fat belly and a happy heart than a skinny one with a healthy sad heart.
5. sometimes the smiths is all i need.
6. most days i really love being 5"7. not today. i wish i was 5"2 so that i could wear every single urban outfitter dress and still be modest. darn these legs.
7. i really wish i was rich so i could snowboard all the time.
8. my fingers are really awkward looking. knobby you could say. like my knees.
9. i need warmth. or a tanning bed. either one.
10. i wanna be vulcan.
11. i think i pee more than most people should.
12. my right ear is having an allergic reaction to something. not sure what considering i dont have my ears pierced but im pretty sure there is something terribly wrong with it.
13. i would really love to sit down at a piano right now and just play. anything.
14. cocoa bean cupcake cafe is catering my reception. yum. come. enjoy a cupcake. :)
15. just like heaven by the cure wont leave my head.
16. my roommate had a ghost visit her this morning. her and cuyler were trying to chase him out of the walls. hilarious? why yes. it was.
17. i just had the best week ever and its amazing how no matter how many times you say goodbye to someone it never gets easier. in fact i believe it gets harder with time.
i love you all. please say hi.


Stephanie said...

1. I love the smiths.
2. I pee waaaaay too much too!!
3. Have you heard Just Like Heaven acoustic? My absolute favorite love song. We played it at our wedding. <3

Christine Marie said...

I <3 you. Lawts. If chocolate shakes are the death of me, I will have lived a wonderful life. Srsly.

So so so excited for Saturday

Natalie said...

ughhh the fact that YOU see my best friend more than me hurts my heart.

and you're tall, too?!? i have that SAME dilemma at urban. not to mention, a huuuge bum. so even if it is decently modest for most people..not me. :( i have bought one dress and one skirt there. and i go every tuesday whilst enjoying shopping time after happy hour at Ra. I always end up coming home with some random shirt or house artifact. i think i have a problem.


ConnieB said...

oh my gosh... those cupcakes slay me!