Wednesday, March 31, 2010

uhm. okay video overload here it comes.

why yes that is shaq in an owl city music video. hilarious. i think so.
2. "oh man i cheated and im real real sad so im just going to show you all my cool dance moves in this hallways and window and you'll love me again."-jason derulo
i felt like he was real upset. what about you. gag.

3. im not sure the meaning on this song. it might be about being anorexic buttt all i do know is that i love love love it.

4.i saved chalk from the festival of colors and im thinking a photo shoot with this video as my inspiration.

5. please come back to utah or to arizona real real soon. i miss you.


bjbothwell said...

SHAAAAAAQ!!!!!!!!!! ahahaha what can't he do?? Own the NBA for 100 years straight, play the leading role in the gripping movie thriller "Kazaam", be the star of the Crunch bar commercials, have your own video game "Shaq-Fu" (yes marci i have played it a lot haha), and now this! a music video. Prolly the only role in film or entertainment that he hasn't participated in is a Tv Show...i'm thinking Dancing with the Stars or where in the world is carmen san diego. He'd play Carmen's role perfectly i think. As far as that music video goes, Shaq is the best thing about Owl City.
Imogen Heap's version is better. song that is. never seen the video if she has one. How dare she open the door to the dancing fairey in the hallway after cheating on her. I hope she just opened the door to slam it on his new sneakers.
Youuve gooot me standing in aa awwkward possition with uunwanted attention. saaweet song. I'm anti anorexia and pro-obesity. I think a healthy layer of blubber on a person shows a sense of power. The walri have it all the right, the bigger the better. Sometime i will be like them.
Marci I hooope hope hope you have that much chalk/paint in those little 2 bags! cuuuuz i want to do chalk angels and chalk waterfalls on your head. k? k. epic photos.
Finally, Imagine Dragons...besides from having a cool name and this being their second best song just behind 'Cover up', they are playing April 9th which is a Friday in Provo Utah so whhy aren't we going marci???

Love youuuu Marci,
good luck on your test today!