Wednesday, April 14, 2010

i was going to wait until i actually was married to post the new header buttt i couldn't. and the invitations are mostly out anyways. so behold. the new header. drawn by tuesday mourning.
i love it.
even if we do look a little bit like Rudolph.


Stephanie said...

haha, I love it!! <3

The Layman Family said...

adorable! and i'm so sad that you aren't feeling well. anything i can do for you?

Molly said...

I just got the announcement today. I love it. I LOOOOOOVE IT! I am so proud of my little Marci with her AMAZING sense of style and FEARLESS move to be unique. (The good kind of unique) I just can't get enough. You are a doll. And you're getting married and... and... and... DOING SEX!
Eew gross.

Stevi said...

It is such a cute header!! did you draw it?