inspired by no sex in the city.
my feelings on this weeks episode of the bachelorette.
1. ali's outfit on her date with roberto is soooo not flattering. super 16 year old status.
2. yum. roberto is such a babe. i cant get over it.
3. has to keep that blanket over her knees so nothing is revealed to the boys...yet.
4. I can't decide if Roberto just naturally has a sexy seductive voice or if he really enhances it when hanging out with the women.
5. in response to brooke lebarons facebook status. no they dont. pretty much have to be drunk throughout this whole process to make it, and make ali seem that resistible.
6. is ali in her pajamas for the 2 on 1 date?
7. "im in a weird you have any wine?" is she turning alcoholic? also..sad to have to be drunk to communicate with those guys.
8. it always confuses me when she says that she isn't conservative because she seems so conservative in all these dates. she loves chivalry in men.
9. Thus far the dates have all been boring. Eating, taking pictures, talking. blegh. where is the excitement.
10. bwahah...she's drunk for sure. no woman would handle the fact that he lives with his parents at the age of 30 that well.
11. when she does this ahhhhh thing and then starts making no sense in her sentences and when her voice starts to sound different. she's drunk. major status.
12. kirk really likes plaid. a lot.
13. i still like him though.
14. why does she always wear a mini skirt and then cover herself up with it cold or is she self conscious.
15. i really honestly think that she has no self esteem. "im just worried that i wont be good enough one day" and then the whole stunt with her begging for compliments from roberto at the rose ceremony. Poor thing.
16. chris always has to turn his shirt inside out. haha
17. why doesn't kirk dance with her to this "passionate heartfelt music"
18. i actually like her outfit on the chris date. maybe cause its chill but not pajamas.
19. awww man. the scooter reminds me so much of costa rica. wipe outs happen. trust me.
20. they are so hard to run with a passenger. at first.
21. i like that he was worried about hurting her and thats why he is going slow.
22. im sure they had to close off that street for her to drive on...totally not in the appropriate lines.
23. does she talk through her nose sometimes?
24. chris has crazy helmet hair.
25. does ali i guess.
26. a dentist bracelet. cool. i guess.
27. awkward grass laying position.
28. im hungry.............................
29. i hate rose ceremonies...they bore me. so im going to skip a lot.
30. yayyyy! not drawn out.
31. can't decide if i like her dress.....hmmm. feelingS?
32. pooooor ty. but he did wear the ugly necklace.
33. im not even going to comment on jake and vienna. i didnt watch them so i would feel unqualified on saying anything.
what are your feelings on this weeks episode?
actually im going to comment on this jake and vienna thing.
1. are her eyes crazy? like slightly crooked?
2. jake is kinda intense. he seems a little controlling over her in the way he speaks to her.
3. hmm...they both seem crazy to me.
4. bwhahahah...jake is getting jealous of a gay guy. thats sad.
5. she seems 17 years old to me.
6. hahah both are fame whores.
7. poor would be so hard to talk about what you love in an ex lover.
8. "going to try and kiss me more" since when do guys have a hard time kissing someone.
9. i wonder how ali feels about this? I mean these people hate each other..its pretty much how all of these bachelor/bachelorette relationships end up.
10. okay im done...this couple is ridiculous.
5 days ago
hahaha. ok this post totally makes me want to start watching the bachelorette... :)
hahah YES! i love every single one of these points. I was thinking most of them the way through!
I <3 Roberto! lol
and rose ceremonies are TOTALLY boring
Hey, you don't know me, so is that breaking blog rules somehow? I like your post, agree with 95% of your bachelorette assertions, and I think all your pictures are beautiful! I hope that's not weird!
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