our days have been full of
--crafting lots( i love art classes)
---eating rainbow chip frosting by the fingerfulls
----dancing and jumping on the bed to katy perry's teenage dream. ya i went there
-----eating mac n cheese a few too many times
----scooter and skateboard rides
-----loving leonard
---loving our nursery calling.15 babies for 2 hours. yes please
------camping in prescott for less than 15 hours. just to see the pine trees.
----letting the house get real messy because we are having too much fun
---eating cookies for breakfast
-----running to circle k at midnight for a dr. pepper to calm me down. dont ask how that works
---stopping at every petco we see
-----photographing A LOT
----finding the cutest book store ever with vintage records and everything.
--------snuggling and watching netflix movies no one has ever hear of at 1 in the morning
-----swimming incessantly
---eating our fair share of braut's
------cheering on the dbacks....on the megatron.
--catching a foul ball at the dbacks
-------making friends with bus drivers
---being real bad at grocery shopping
-------playing with company
--making up exciting bed stories
-----playing in the monsoon season
----------being in love
you get the idea.
its been a good summer.
6 days ago
I want to see a picture of your camelion!
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