wowzers. i feel like my life has made a complete 180. i went from having nothing to do all summer to having a job and a class schedule that just about does me in. some days every day i feel like a chicken running around with its head cut off. I am swamped monday, wednesday ,and thursday with school and then tuesday and fridays are spent trying to catch up on work, school, and my house ohhh and trying to actually spend more than 2 hours awake with my husband. our schedules hate each other right now. :( sooo blogging definitely has been put on the back burner for right now. I promise i am going to try and do better but forgive me and pray that i can survive this schedule and keep my husband. :) poor guy. has cleaned the house and done laundry for like the past 3 weeks. immm sure lucky to have him.
anyways enough about that mumble jumble.
here are a few things that i am loving about my life.
this band. love lydia? love copeland? about died when they both stopped? ya me too. but guess whattttt? ta da! girl from lydia boys from copeland. they are making fantastically beautiful music baby gems.
natalie shared this song with me and i am slightly obsessed with it!
and lastly. my sister and i are working on a cooking blog. dont think this is a "we're so good at cooking we are going to share all of our secrets and recipes and stuff" blog. cause its not. its more of a "we are so flipping bored with cooking the same things for dinner every night and need some peoples recipes" kind of blog. essentially. we just want to make it a blog where everyone who reads it can share recipes they know and love and we can all accumulate a better bigger recipe book. sooo more details on this later!
6 days ago
I am so excited for this blog! I have been thinking the same thing. I feel like my family has the same meals over and over and some of them are getting pretty old! It will be nice to try something new. :o)
Marc, I know how you feel - and I couldn't even imagine throwing a huzbone into the mix! You are awesome!! And shoot - find me a huzbone who does laundry!!!! That is my all-time MOST LOATHED chore. Lol.
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