Wednesday, July 10, 2013

18 Weeks

How Far Along-18 Weeks 2 days

Weight Gain-1 pound! How is this possible? My belly is substantially larger and yet I haven't gained hardly any weight. Whatevs-it will all catch up to me soon.

Symptoms-I felt dizzy for the first time but thankfully it passed after one afternoon and I was back to normal. I feel completely normal other than the fact that I can feel a tiny human squirming around inside me ALL the time.

Sleep-It's been kinda blah lately. I don't think it's because I'm pregnant but more because I am living in a new place and still getting used to all the new sounds. Plus its a sauna in our bedroom at night. The AC doesn't quite reach our room so we have 2 fans going in there but it is still pretty miserable.

Favorite Moment-Really feeling the baby, she is a mover and groover. I feel her dancing in there all the time, especially at night when I am laying down. It kind of scares me how strong she is already since I'm not even half way there. I can't imagine what the kicks are going to feel like 10 weeks from now. Brian also felt her kick last night. I swear, is this normal? I wasn't expecting him to be able to feel her for awhile but her movements are strong and you can easily feel them with your hand pressed on my belly. I was so excited that Brian got to feel her. He had been trying so hard to feel her ever since I started feeling her move so it was really sweet.

Preparation- Nada. I still have yet to buy one thing for her. Sorry baby. :)

Miss Anything-not having to get up to go pee numerous times during the night. Blah.

Cravings- I don't think I have had a really strong craving yet. I think things sound good but I am usually too lazy to go to the store to get it so the craving passes. I think I need to make one up just so I can have Brian run to the grocery store at midnight or something. Well actually maybe not, if we were in AZ absolutely but I don't want Brian at the grocery store by our house at night. It's sketch. HA.

Maternity Clothes-Nope. My pants still fit like a charm and my shirts are still just fine. Most of my clothing you can't even tell I'm pregnant unless it's a tight shirt then I kind of just look chubby. I am anxious for the first stranger to ask me if I am pregnant. Thus far nothing.

I was telling Brian that I love this phase of being pregnant. I don't really look too much different, I feel totally normal, and I can eat all I want, it's great. I am anxious though for all the other milestones of being pregnant and then the whole actually having a baby thing will be cool too. I go for my 20 week ultrasound on the 22nd so I am excited to see the little thing again. She has always been insanely active so I am excited to see what she is up to that day. Perfect early birthday present.