Yay! We made it halfway. I cannot believe that I am 5 months pregnant, it literally seems like I just found out that I was expecting. The first half flew by so here is hoping that the next half goes by just as fast. I think with me not working and Brian working ALL the time it might not fly by but I guess I still have a TON of stuff to do. It was a pretty crazy week here in New Haven. It started off rough with me having a really crappy day. There was family drama two floors above us so we were woken up by cops and firefighters trying to get access to the the apartment. They stayed at our house for a couple hours before finally having everyone go to the hospital. It was nothing serious just a misunderstanding between a daughter, mother, and ex-husband. Then my email was hacked, my washing machine broke, my phone broke, and I got a tick. It was actually really funny by the end of the day. Brian and I were laughing at all the things that seriously happened. The rest of the week was really fun though! I went to the PEZ factory with some friends and then another day did some vintage shopping. I also went and showed off this pregnant bod at the beach. HA. I actually was so amazed by the beach here. I had heard such bad things about New England beaches so I think I had really low expectations, but it was awesome! It was really pretty with nice sand and the water was SO warm. That was probably because of the insane heat wave we had all week but it felt amazing to just sit in the water and talk with friends. Ahh, can't wait to go back. Brian finally took his NAPLEX on Saturday! YAY!!! We are now just anxiously awaiting the results. I'm sure he passed it, no problem. So I explored Wethersfield, CT while he was testing and then we headed to Hartford for dinner. We found out that the Jazz festival was going on so we ate some BBQ and then headed over. It was so much fun! I have never really listened to Jazz and I was surprised with how much I liked it. It makes you smile. Brian was in absolute heaven watching their drummer jam away. The crowd was also WAY into it and dancing and singing along so it was a blast. Sunday we were able to pick up some major Craiglist scores! Our living room is almost furnished. YAY! Our whole house is being furnished 2nd hand but I am absolutely loving the things we are getting. I can't wait till it is done and I can post some photos.
Now for the bebe. She is getting so much bigger. My belly I swear doubled in size over the past two weeks. Lots of big things happened this week. I was able to see her move for the first time and we had our big 20 week ultrasound that confirmed she is still a girl. The ultrasound was hilarious. They made me go to the bathroom right before so that she would have lots of room to stretch out. So they start the ultrasound and she is being awesome and just chilling. It was really cute because the first thing we see is her giving us a thumbs up. She is still being good so I comment that I was impressed with how chill she was being because usually she is insanely active during ultrasounds. Basically, right after I said that she decided to be silly and move and dance and twist and kick and punch all over the place. She would not hold still for a second. At one point she had her feet all the way above her head and past it just kicking (maybe she is practicing yoga?). Another time she had her knees pushed into her face (I have no idea?). Brian and I were busting up the whole time as she was putting on a show. They make me go to the bathroom again to try and see if she will calm down but nope, no cigar. So they are making me come back in 2 weeks to measure again. They did see the majority of the stuff they needed and all looks perfect. All her toes and fingers are there, no cleft palate, nice healthy stomach, heart, and liver and she is measuring right on pace. She is now measuring at exactly 20 weeks, weighs 11 oz, and has a heartbeat of 150. Here is the breakdown.
I have officially gained 4 pounds! The belly looks as if I have gained 20 though.
Weird little red dots on my arms and fingers. I noticed a few at the start but I have gotten a lot more lately. I asked my doctor and he said they are totally normal and just from the extra estrogen I have in my body right now. They should go away after I'm done being pregnant. Another new thing is sometimes when she is in a certain position and she is moving around a lot it feels like she is kicking my stomach and I feel kind of sick. Nothing too bad but just a little blah when she is a grooving.
Pretty good. I am still trying to get used to sleeping on my side. I need to invest in a body pillow soon to help support the bump. It hangs to the side awkwardly that isn't very comfy. She did wake me up for the first time last night with her movements. I figure she just wanted to be the first one to wish me happy birthday. Still pretty good at snoozing though. :)
Favorite Moment:
Seeing her move for the first time or the ultrasound. Both were so much fun. I like her energy.
Still craving yummy bread and I eat cinnamon applesauce like crazy. At least two bowls a day. If anybody makes homemade applesauce and wants to send it my way I would love you forever. This craving is getting expensive.
I still fit in all my normal clothes but since it's my birthday I decided to ask for some maternity clothes since I will be needing some in the future. I got some really cute ones from ASOS and I love them all so much. I need to get some maternity undies here soon. ;)
Knees to face!
Thumbs up |
Toes! |
Here is a photo of the bump at 20 weeks 1 day in my new maternity dress from Joe and Colleen! Thanks guys!
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