30 WEEKS! Yay for single digit countdown until full term. I am actually 31 weeks 1 day sooo I am behind but I will get a picture up for 31 soon.
I feel like quite a bit has happened this last little bit. First I found out that my blood type is A- so I had to get some blood work done to make sure my body wasn't attacking the bebe and thankfully it wasn't. So I got my Rhogram shot and we both/ maybe just me/ maybe just baby will get another one right after birth. So nothing too scary there. I also got my whooping cough vaccine and will be getting my flu shot next week. Safety first.
My Mom and Grandma came to visit Brian and I for a 5 days and I apparently ate a little too good. I gained 5 pounds in two weeks!!!!! Thankfully I only gained 1/2 pound the next week. The doctor said it was not anything to worry about just to maybe try not gaining 5 pounds every 2 weeks.
I did pass my 3 hour glucose test so I am still good to eat my carbs and sugars. THANK YOU! I was a little worried about it. I think from now on I am going to fast for the hour one even if the Doctor doesn't care.
I officially can use the belly as a little table. I love it. I just have to be careful for kicks. She is crazy in there. I feel like her movements are transitioning from big kicks and jabs to just rolling around but every once in awhile she still gets a good jab and kick in. They are getting painful!!!
I have been pretty miserable the past couple of weeks with a cold and now a sinus infection. If I'm not better soon I think I am going to have to beg my OB for some antibiotics. I am tired of not being able to sleep because I can't breathe on top of already not being super comfortable from the big ol belly.
I started my birthing class last week. It's kind of hilarious. They apparently really don't like it when husbands can't attend. I got a big ol frown and shake of the head from the teacher. But Brian is on ER rotation right now and works in the evenings so what can you do. He did get permission to come to one class. I think he is going to think its ridiculous. I can't wait to see how awkward and funny he makes it. Brian is SO ready for her to be here. I on the other hand am freaking out more and more as it gets closer. Probably because I am the one who has to push a baby out and breast feed and deal with all that fun stuff. I am SO excited but also SO scared and feel like I have no idea what I am getting myself into.
Other than that things are going really good. I can't complain. I seem to experience a little of everything pregnancy has to offer. A little heartburn, a little backache, charlie horses a couple times, but nothing too serious. I feel very blessed. I love that little girl. I am getting VERY close to having her nursery done. I am also good on clothes on her besides tights and mittens. I have to dress her VERY warm for this New England winter. Love that little squidmuffin. Even when she kicks me in the ribs.
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