Tuesday, September 17, 2013

27 Weeks

Sorry for the repeat of photos but these are the only belly photos I took this week. :)
27 Weeks! Hellllllooo third trimester. 
I finally went to the doctor after a month of not going so I actually know some stats!
Overall everything has been going really well. I feel SOO incredibly blessed to still feel as amazing as I do. I am a little nervous for this last trimester but at the same time I can't believe I only 12 weeks to go! (I am a week behind on photos. :(). 

WEIGHT------>I have officially gained 14 pounds and probably within the next few appointments I will be surpassing my sweet husband in weight. Downfall to loving skinny boys haha.

NEW SYMPTOMS--------> I failed my glucose test by a little bit so I am heading in tomorrow to take the 3 hour test. I am terrified that I am going to throw up. The first one wasn't bad at all but fasting + extra potent juice + more of it + 4 blood draws makes me kind of sick just thinking about it. So hopefully I survive. I headed to the library to get a good book to read since I'll be at the doctor for almost 4 hours. BLAH. Miss thing loves to jam herself up under my left rib cage. Some days it seriously feels like she is going to break one of them. Thankfully this isn't a daily occurrence and if I lay down she will usually move down a bit. She also loves to push her bum out at me making my belly look hilariously lopsided. I have about a million cell phone pictures of my belly look whack. I love it. She still is moving around a lot but its somewhat of a different feeling as she gets bigger. I still feel big kicks but a lot of the movement is her just rolling around which makes my insides feel like they are all rolling around too. Kind of like pressure in random spots. It's weird but exciting. 

SLEEP--------> Some nights are better than others. :) I still have to go pee every night. ;/

CLOTHES-------> Still able to wear the majority of my jeans! Buttoned and everything. Shirts are another story. I don't know what I am going to wear this fall/winter because all my long sleeves don't really button up or are long enough to cover the bump. I feel like maternity sweaters have to be awful so I might have to get a little creative with style. 

CRAVINGS----> Eating a lot of pickles this week. So stereotypical but SO yummy. Yummy apples and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches always sound good too! Oh and the ever present sweet craving is still going strong. PLEASE DONT LET ME HAVE GESTATIONAL DIABETES! 

In other news I have made a ton of progress on the nursery! I don't want to post any photos until it's done but I feel like its pretty cute considering I have green walls and blue trim in my house. Hahah. I still need to make a few things but I am definitely feeling more prepared. :)

Baby girl, 
I love you SO much. I can't believe in 2 1/2 months I will get to meet you. You stay strong and healthy. We can't wait to see you!