Saturday, February 6, 2010

this is pretty much what my weekend has looked like thus far.

my darling nephew taj. who is a wild man. seriously. he finds trouble everywhere. and my great grandma. 92. wears Indian jewelry. were like soul mates. we are going to church together this sunday. i am stoked to be in like a 90 over ward. helllooo 45 minute passing of the sacrament.


Natalie said...

"hello 45 minute passing the sacrament"

^that wins in my book of biggest LOLz.

Pretty much I love you.

Michelle Morse said...

You didn't tell me you were going to church with Grandma Dorothy! That's cool:) Thanks a lot for helping us eat our Super Bowl food! All we ate were taco salads and then we were too full to eat any of the dip or lil'smokies. Leftovers tomorrow...yay...Those pics of Taj are sooo cute, you did a good job:)

Christine Marie said...

I LOVE the picture of Taj eating his foot. Mostly because that was my favorite hobby as a three-year-old.
Okay, maybe I was five. . . . but still. Not accountable, doesn't count.
Your photography is fantastic.
We should cupcake this week.