Saturday, November 16, 2013


Week 35 and 36 are quite similar so I am just combining this post. This is where things started Haha. Cora obviously dropped around this time or changed positions or something because I started getting this really intense sharp pains in the lower belly. The doctor isn't sure if it is round ligament pain or her just pressing on my pelvis or pinching a nerve or what but all I know is that it is super uncomfortable. It happens mostly when I am sitting down and when she is moving around a lot. Of course it starts the day that my mom is in oral surgery and MIL is flying out to CT to come see us so I am freaking out a bit thinking I might be having contractions. Thankfully I didn't freak out too much and just breathed through them until I was able to talk to my mom. I had a doctors appointment two days after they started so I held off calling him until then and just asked about it that day. It's apparently normal to be in a lot of pain these next couple of weeks so that's awesome. I swear everything in pregnancy is "normal" where if it was happening to your body when you weren't pregnant your doctor would probably be freaking out. It is just amazing how much your body can change. At the doctor they also said she is extremely low and totally all on my right side. Which I have known for awhile since she is never kicking on the left just always chilling all cramped up on the right. I don't get why she doesn't spread out a bit more. I think my spine would appreciate it. :) I am measuring a week behind but the doctors aren't worried just said that she will most likely be on the smaller side of average. I am totally fine with that. I don't really mind not having to push out a giant baby. Plus tiny little chicken legs on babies are so cute and don't last long so I want to savor her little tiny self while I can.

Sleep as become a fun chore. I just feel like between trying to have a pillow between my legs, under my belly and under my tailbone I can't move or else I will have to readjust everything. So I basically sleep in short little spurts. It's okay though because I usually take at least one nap during the day to help make up for it. :)

Colleen came and visited us during this time! It was so much fun to have her out. She spoiled all of us real good. Took us to Costco to stock up on food and cooked yummy dinners for us and brought presents of all kinds! We miss her already. She was able to come to my ward baby shower that we had out here so that was a lot of fun! We had a waffle bar. It was mind blowing good. I think we ate waffles three days in a row after that. I just couldn't get enough of them. Of course it was freezing and raining the weekend she comes so we didn't get to do as much as I would have liked. Between being big and prego and it being super cold our options were pretty limited. Her and Papa Joe will have to come out again when it's warm and I promise we will explore more. :)

I am 37 weeks on Monday! That used to mean I am full term but they changed the guidelines around my 33rd week to say that 39 weeks is full term and 37 is early term. But because they changed them while I was in my third trimester I am ignoring them and sticking with the earlier guidelines. That is just cruel to do to a pregnant woman. But basically still-any day now. We installed the car seat and finished the nursery this weekend! I am planning on taking photos of the nursery tomorrow to post. It turned out really cute. I just wish the walls weren't green. :-/. Beggars can't be choosers I suppose.

Brian is SO excited to meet her. He loves when she pushes her body out really far because he likes to get her/my belly little kisses. I seriously can't wait to see their relationship develop. She is going to be so loved. I am SO excited as well. Things are seeming more real which makes me anxious and scared and excited and terrified all at once! I just can't believe I will be a Mom soon. Once you become a mom it's like ...FOREVER. So I hope I am ready. We went to the movies while Colleen was here and Brian and I kept talking about all the preview movies we wanted to see and then we suddenly realized...oh wait! We are having a baby. So we laughed and laughed and realized we will be lucky to watch them when they come out in Red Box. I think she will be worth it though.

I am hoping for a December 1st baby so think good thoughts for me! Brian's schedule is a little crazy until then and we both feel like that would be the best time for everyone but of course Cora will come when Cora wants to come so we shall see! Can't wait to meet this little one. The doctors are always calling her feisty. I just can't wait to see what her little personality will be like. We sure do love her.

36 Weeks

36 Weeks

36 weeks


Annie said...

I get so excited when I see that you've posted! I'm so excited for your cute little baby! And you look FABULOUS! A cuter pregnant woman has never been seen.

The Layman Family said...

i love this so much. you look adorable!! can't believe it's almost baby time!!!!!

Jessalyn said...

I loved call because you're in pain or something doesn't seem right and in pregnancy it's always "normal". Haha you look fabulous! Hang in there these last few weeks, they'll seem long but too fast at the same time. Can't wait to meet her!!